Korean Reading Exercises - Part 2

Hello there! 잘 지냈어? (How are you?) I have been from a veeeeeerryyyy very long hiatus and I decided to come back. I am now a full-fledged doctor and I am currently working as one, in a nearby hospital. How have you been? As continuation from our first Korean Reading Exercise , I would like to present to you another batch of Korean words that you can try practicing on! Are you ready to practice your Korean? If you want to reinforce your knowledge about reading Hangul, you may proceed to this post on how to read and write Hangul to refresh your mind! From now on, our reading (and writing) exercises will feature a specific theme so as to make things easier to read and understand! For this Korean reading exercise, we will feature one of Korea's highlights - their food. Let's read, read, read Korean!! FIRST ROUND: Basic Korean food Korean food is one of the highlights of Korean culture - without their sumptuous and delicious food, their culture will not infiltrate...

Answer Key: Exercise 2

Done already? Wow, very good! Here are the answers for Exercise 2.

1. 부라질                  Bu-ra-jil                    Brazil
2. 멕시코                  Maek-si-ko                Mexico
3. 스페인                  Seu (soo)-pe-in          Spain
4. 캐나다                  Kae-na-da                 Canada
5. 필리핀                  Pil-li-pin                    Philippines
6. 러시아                  Reo-si-a                    Russia
7. 이스라엘               I-seu-ra-el                 Israel
8. 이집트                  I-jip-teu                    Egypt
9. 오스트레일리아       O-seu-teu-re-il-li-a      Australia
10. 포르투갈             Po-reu-tu-gal              Portugal

Did you get perfect scores? Congratulations!


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